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Trip/ spedition basic principles

There are two approaches to organizing cargo shipment in OZOLS TMS: Creates a new Trip/spediti...

Informal order confirmation to the client

If the customer has sent the order informally (Whatsapp, Skype, e-mail, phone call), you can prep...

Info to Client - order accepted

Once the order is registered in OZOLS TMS, you must send the Client a Shipping Order Confirmation...

Exchanging the cargo information in OZOLS TMS

Companies that use OZOLS TMS can exchange order information automatically using reference number....

How to delete a Client order?

Before deleting the Client order, make sure that it would not be more correct to change the order...

Delivery via TERMINAL

1) How to create Terminal The Cooperation Partner who provides terminal/warehouse services must ...

Additional Services to main order

Additional Services - services provided  as part of the main client order, for example:- Cargo in...

Multiple loading or delivery addresses - Multibooking

Multibooking is used when there are several loading or delivery addresses in one client order...

New client order

A quick way to open new Client order is by pressing the  Function key F6 on keyboard The clien...

Type of transport

You can specify the type of transport in client's order. It can be added or edited. OZOLS > Frei...

Import of fixed costs (MTPL, CASCO, Leasing ...)

To simplify the entry of fixed costs into Ozols TMS, we recommend creating an Excel spreadsheet t...

Driver data import

To make it easier to get started with Ozols TMS, we recommend that you use this option to import ...

Car data import

To make it easier to get started with Ozols TMS, we recommend that you use this option to import ...

Linking car navigation to Ozols TMS (API keys)

Ozols TMS allows you to add API keys (for example from Mapon) to provide real-time location of ca...

Business partner database import

To make it easier to get started with Ozols TMS, we recommend that you use this option to import ...

User data import

1) Create a user list with the following user information: npk Name Surname E-mail Pho...

Izejošā rēķina apmaksas atsaistīšana

Reizēm rodas nepieciešamība atsaistīt apmaksu izejošajam rēķinam. Lai to izdarītu, jāveic sekojoš...

Faktorings - izejošo rēķinu finansēšana

Ja Jūsu uzņēmumam ir noslēgts līgums ar kompāniju, kas nodrošina faktoringa pakalpojumus un vēlat...

Modulis darbam ar debitoriem (F9)

Spiežot funkciju taustiņu F9, atveras logs, kurā paveras plašas iespējas darbam ar debitoriem. A...

Apmaksas atgādinājumi pa e-pastu

Darbam ar debitoriem (F9) iesakām izmantot šim nolūkam izveidoto sadaļu. Info šeit. Lai ātri nos...