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Outgoing invoice with CMR

Income from the client Issuing of invoice Correcting an Invoice  Invoice by email or mail ...

Kredītrēķins ienākošam rēķinam

Saturs: Kredītrēķina izveidošana ienākošam rēķinam Norēķinu dzēšanas akts ienākošā rēķina kre...

Kredītrēķins izejošam rēķinam

Saturs: Kredītrēķina izveidošana izejošam rēķinam Norēķinu dzēšanas akts izejošā rēķina kredī...

Viens izejošais rēķins par vairākiem pasūtījumiem

Ja nepieciešams izrakstīt vienu rēķinu par vairākiem Klienta pasūtījumiem, pastāv 2 pieejas: N...

Rēķina izrakstīšana un izsūtīšana kopā ar CMR

Ieņēmumi no klienta Rēķina izveidošana Rēķina Labošana3.1. Rēķina dzēšana3.2. Pasūtījumu rē...

CMR how to create and print it

How to create and print the CMR for the Client's order?  Open the Client's order for which t...

New Trip with own transport

1. Create a  New Trip (F7) Registration of a new  Trip in OZOLS TMS is started by pressing the f...

Ierakstu un labojumu vēsture

Visi OZOLS TMS veiktie ieraksti vai labojumi ir reģistrēti un to vēsturi ir iespējams aplūkot. I...

Kolonnu noformējums

Par Kolonnu noformējumu lasiet sekojošajās sadaļās: Kā pielāgot kolonnu saturu un secību? ...

How to change the Document's sequence number

For documents that have automatic sequential numbering, it is possible to set the number of the n...

Work with several companies

How to work if you have access to several company data bases? Switching between companies Cho...

Client address in foreign language

Outgoing documents can include the Partner's contact details in a foreign language. To set this :...

Order information in foreign language

Because clients and suppliers are from different countries, documents often need to include infor...

E-mail alerts

Ozols TMS already has standard automatic alerts set up by default, which are sent to the responsi...

Open Windows

Sometimes one of the open windows disappears because it has fallen behind another window. To find...

Defined columns

Defined columns allow you to save the table column layout you create with a name. Columns saved i...

Adjusting Column width

To change the column width: Open the OZOLS TMS table where you want to change the width of the c...

Customize column content and order

Open the table you want to make changes to Press the right mouse button on any of the rows in ...

Print or export selected data to Excel

Ozols TMS enables you to select the desired data in tables and print or save in Excel: Choose ...

Multiselect - highlight the desired rows

Multiselect is used when it is necessary to select individual rows in random order. such as cargo...