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User data import

1) Create a user list with the following user information: npk Name Surname E-mail Pho...

Izejošā rēķina apmaksas atsaistīšana

Reizēm rodas nepieciešamība atsaistīt apmaksu izejošajam rēķinam. Lai to izdarītu, jāveic sekojoš...

Faktorings - izejošo rēķinu finansēšana

Ja Jūsu uzņēmumam ir noslēgts līgums ar kompāniju, kas nodrošina faktoringa pakalpojumus un vēlat...

Modulis darbam ar debitoriem (F9)

Spiežot funkciju taustiņu F9, atveras logs, kurā paveras plašas iespējas darbam ar debitoriem. A...

Apmaksas atgādinājumi pa e-pastu

Darbam ar debitoriem (F9) iesakām izmantot šim nolūkam izveidoto sadaļu. Info šeit. Lai ātri nos...

Neapmaksātie izejošie rēķini

Divi veidi kā atlasīt neapmaksātos izejošos rēķinus 1. Negrupēti izejošie rēķini: OZOLS > Norēķi...

Izejošo rēķinu apmaksa

Svarīgi! OZOLS TMS nodrošina gan automatizētu , gan manuālu izejošo rēķinu apmaksu jeb ienākošo m...

Bankas konta izvēle izejošajā rēķinā

Ja Jūsu uzņēmumam OZOLS TMS ir reģistrēti vairāki bankas konta numuri, Jums ir iespēja izvēlēties...

Adding the costs of the trip

To control the cost-effectiveness of a trip, it is necessary to add all eligible costs to it. Fo...

Credit invoice for incoming invoice

Contents: Creating a credit invoice for an incoming invoice Deed of settlement of invoices fo...

Credit invoice for outgoing invoice

Contents: Creating a credit invoice for an outgoing invoice Creating of Payment cancellation ...

Mutual Settlement Comparison Act

The following steps must be taken to prepare the act of mutual settlement comparison: OZOLS > ...

Unrelate a payment from an outgoing invoice

Sometimes it is necessary to unrelate a payment from an outgoing invoice. To do this, the followi...

Factoring - financing of outgoing invoices

If your company has a contract with a company that provides factoring services and you want to ap...

Work with debtors (F9)

Pressing the function key F9 opens a window that opens a module with wide range of options for wo...

Payment reminders by e-mail

To work with debtors we recommend using the section created for this purpose. Press (F9) to open ...

Unpaid outgoing invoices

Two ways to select unpaid outgoing invoices 1. List of all unpaid outgoing invoices:OZOLS > Paym...

Outgoing invoice payment

Important! OZOLS TMS provides two options - automated and manual outgoing invoice. Only one of o...

Selecting a bank account in an outgoing invoice

If your company has several bank accounts, you can choose which one(s) to show on your outgoing i...

One invoice for many orders

If necessary to issue one invoice for several Client orders, there are 2 approaches: One invoi...