Search window

How the search window works:

  • If you search for, for example, "ECG" the program will select all records where the field name starts with "ECG"
  • If you search " % ECG" the program will select all records where the field record contains "ECG"
  • If you search for “ "ECG" program will select all records where the field name does not start with "ECG"
  • If there are spelling differences, the unknown letter is replaced by an underscore " _ ". For example, you can search for the word "Vilnius" as "Viln__s"
  • Square brackets [ ] ar used to search for multiple possible letters . For example, searching for “ [ CS ] heryl” will find the result for both Cherlyl and Sheryl

Two search windows:

  1. The data is searched in the OZOLS database;
  2. Data is searched only in the open table.
