10) Tips and Tricks
Forwarders' work surface (F8)
The Forwarder surface is created specifically at the request of our customers and combines functi...
E-mail alerts
Ozols TMS already has standard automatic alerts set up by default, which are sent to the responsi...
Order information in foreign language
Because clients and suppliers are from different countries, documents often need to include infor...
Client address in foreign language
Outgoing documents can include the Partner's contact details in a foreign language. To set this :...
How to change the Document's sequence number
For documents that have automatic sequential numbering, it is possible to set the number of the n...
Work with several companies
How to work if you have access to several company data bases? Switching between companies Cho...
Access shortcut to another company's database OZOLS TMS
If you have two or more companies with separate access to OZOLS TMS , it is possible to create a ...
How to Delete ferry ticket
To delete an incorrectly created ferry ticket: Open the incorrect Ferry Ticket through Trip/Sp...